Monday, April 19, 2010

Check out our new wheels!

So, this past weekend we went out and bought a new burley (new to us...thanks to craigslist). For those of you that don't know a burley is basically a kiddie trailer that you can hitch onto your bike and tow the kids behind you. Now, I've always loved the idea of biking. I loved to bike as a kid...a few years ago Jamie and i used a tax return to buy some really sweet bikes and since then I would be lying if i didn't admit that I've taken this bike out a grand total of like 4 times. Mainly because I'm the biggest klutz alive and always manage to fall over. The last time we went out i had had clips installed instead of pedals (since at the time i was really into spinning)...the only problem was that i wasn't very good scratch that graceful enough to get my foot unclipped while stopping and i would always end up falling over and hitting the ground. you can imagine how hilarious this would look to see a 20 something NOT be able to slow down and place her feet on the ground.
So, my bike and i have what you can call a past. Well...back to point this past weekend we bought the burley and i am now planning on biking with Rhys everywhere. Which honestly is probably the worst idea ever...but i want to get into better shape and i HATE the gym. So, to start this week I'm going to try to bike to one of the two playgroups that Rhys has. I'm thinking I'll bike on Wed...that park is a lot closer..only 8 miles (one way). So, wish me luck...since now if i fall over i will be proving to my own flesh and blood that I'm the biggest loser alive!:)

Monday, March 15, 2010

sorry....i stink...

Well, not least i hope not. I do shower. I stink at blogging...or at least I have for a few months now. I've been super busy crafting my little heart out with tons of projects (which, come to think of true Lauren fashion they are all only HALF done). So, to keep myself on target I've created a "catch-up" list. With the promise that i will TRY to get better about blogging...after all....with spring here our lives are about to get a LOT more interesting.

1.) Rhys enjoyed his first xmas!! We were asked to play the "holy family" at the church xmas ceremony...which was hilarious. I hid toys and snack abound in the that "baby jesus" wouldn't fuss. Turns out he HATES hay...wouldn't stand for being put in the manger. But we managed and Rhys was an adorable baby jesus!

2.) The new year wasen't too interesting...we had a 9 mo. old...what do you expect!

3.)Rhys has started to about Feb i think it was..such a bad mommy...i should have the date memorized, but i don't...

4.) Rhys' one year bday is only a week and a half away!! SO SAD! Yes, i have become one of those over emotional soppy moms...that misses her little baby.

5.) The past three weeks we have dealt with epidemic after epidemic...first the flu for Rhys, then food poisioning, then Rhys got a black eye (he's knows how to run, but not how to stop and the coffee table got in the way..oops), and it just keeps going. I'm keeping my eye on the horizon for a swarm of locus. Of course, everything happens when Jamie is gone on it's a new household more business trips. (HA!) at least until Life Time Fitness decides it's time. :)

So're caught up. i promise i'll keep in better touch... we've got Rhys' first year bday party coming up, Meg (my sisters) bridal shower, Jess (my BFF from high school) and her family coming out to visit us, Meg's wedding and all sorts of summer fun coming up.

On a side note...i LOVE this time of the year. The best part about living in MN is the spring...getting re-acquainted with your neighbors, who you haven't seen since November! Today it's 50*...i'm thinking a little park time is in order. Rhys LOVES the swings! Talk sooN!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Family Photos

A friend of mine offered to shoot some nice fall family photos. So, here ya go!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Apple Orchard 2009

Hopefully, you'll enjoy this as much as we enjoyed doing it today. Such a dream day; the type that once your home all you can do it comment on what a great day it was.

Now we're off to make all sorts of yummies from all the apples we picked! The good news is I think after all his exposure to apples today Rhys might finally be a fan of the delicious fruit! Happy Autumn!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Rhys Learns to Share

Monday, October 12, 2009

Be All You Can Be....

So, it's official. While i'm sure "uncle Brian" will hate this analogy (he's in the marines): Rhys is officially ready to "join up" because he's got his "Army Crawl" down pat. He REEVES himself up, gets up on his hands and knees, sways back and forth (winding up) and then steps his arms out and goes down to his belly. Moving forward just enough to encourage him to try this ritual again. Lord help us. He's mobile now, and I don't think there is anything slowing down this "Go Baby!"

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Are you serious! That was my first reaction when i woke up and saw our new, white ground covering on the front lawn. Half of me is tempted to bundle up Rhys and go introduce him to the precipitation that he will love and hate, the other half of me wants to crawl back in bed. Since I don't think the kiddo will put up with option two I'm going to have to start the introductions i think. The only you know how hard it is to put a winter coat on a wiggly, giggly 6 month old boy. To give you a bit of insight: picture me wrestling a little piglet-squawking and squealing and wiggling all about. Hopefully, i'll be able to "up" by skills, because I have a feeling it's going to be a LONG, COLD Minnesota winter.